Advertising & Marketing

Starbucks offers a break from the chaos in Christmas animation

With the holiday season in full swing, the world outside is a whirlwind of flashing lights, frantic shopping, and the ever-present pressure to find...

The New Rules of Marketing With Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk, the self-proclaimed "hustler" and social media guru, has revolutionized the way businesses approach marketing. His "New Rules" challenge traditional marketing strategies, focusing...

Donald Trump Declares Victory in the 2024 Presidential Race

In a dramatic turn of events, former President Donald Trump has declared victory in the 2024 Presidential Election, despite no official results having been...

Harris’ Bold Marketing Tactics in 2024

Harris, a company renowned for its traditional marketing approach, has taken a sharp turn in 2024, embracing a suite of bold, unconventional tactics. This...

Why publishers with lists are saying audience, not content, is the new ‘king’

The publishing world is in a constant state of evolution. While content has always been king, publishers are increasingly recognizing the importance of audience...


