
Earth Is More Than A Planet With Life On It. It’s A “Living Planet”

Earth: The Living PlanetWhen we think of Earth, we often view it as a mere planet, a rocky sphere orbiting the sun, teeming with...

An Incident At A Grocery Store Set Sadie Dingfelder Down The Path Of Writing Her Book

For Sadie Dingfelder, the journey to becoming a published author began in the unlikeliest of places: a grocery store. It was a typical day,...

Ananda Lima on Conquering Pre-Publication Anxiety With Crafting

As an author, there's no feeling quite like the mix of excitement and terror that comes with preparing to release a new book into...

How Much of This is True? On the Subtle Nuances of Memoir and Autofiction

In the world of literature, few genres spark as much debate and introspection as memoir and autofiction. These genres, which blur the lines between...

Book Review: ‘A Place of Our Own,’ by June Thomas

In her latest memoir, "A Place of Our Own," June Thomas takes readers on a deeply personal and introspective journey, delving into the complexities...


