Food & Drink

A Week In The Life, Vol 26.

As we dive into the 26th installment of "A Week In The Life," we're met with a mix of excitement, challenges, and inspiration. This...

Japanese Potato Salad

When it comes to potato salad, many of us are familiar with the classic American version, made with boiled potatoes, mayonnaise, and diced vegetables....

The 4-Ingredient Gnocchi and Sausage Skillet Dinner I Make All Summer Long

As the summer months approach, I find myself craving light, easy, and satisfying meals that can be whipped up in no time. One dish...

Huli Huli Chicken Recipe for Cooks Who Love to Grill

Ah, the sweet and savory flavors of Hawaiian-inspired huli huli chicken! If you're a grill master looking to elevate your outdoor cooking game, you're...

The Hawaiian-Inspired Dinner I Make on Summer Nights When It’s Too Hot to Cook

Ah, summer. The season of sun-kissed days, balmy nights, and a kitchen that feels like a sauna. When the temperature soars, the last thing...


