Health & Wellness

How PBMs Are Driving Up Prescription Drug Costs

The rising cost of prescription drugs has become a major concern for Americans, with many struggling to afford the medications they need to manage...

How Pet Care Became a Big Business

The pet care industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades, evolving from a niche market to a multi-billion-dollar industry. Today,...

UNC Fires Professor They Secretly Recorded

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has taken swift action against a professor who was found to have secretly recorded conversations with...

Read This If You Regularly Go To Bed After 1 A.M.

Are you a night owl who consistently finds yourself hitting the sack after 1 a.m.? Do you feel like you're not getting enough sleep,...

How to Spend Time Outside If You Hate Getting Sweaty

Are you someone who loves the idea of spending time outdoors, but dreads the thought of getting hot and sweaty? You're not alone! Many...


