From Silicon Valley To Silicon Savannah: Climate Expert Patrick Verkooijen On Why This Is Africa’s Century


As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, economic inequality, and technological disruption, a new narrative is emerging: Africa is rising. And according to climate expert Patrick Verkooijen, this is Africa’s century. In an exclusive interview, Verkooijen, CEO of the Global Center on Adaptation, shared his vision for a continent that is not only resilient to climate change but also a hub of innovation and growth.

A New Era of African Leadership

For decades, Africa has been seen as a recipient of aid and assistance from the developed world. However, Verkooijen argues that this narrative is outdated. “Africa is no longer just a recipient of aid; it’s a continent that’s taking charge of its own destiny,” he says. “We’re seeing a new era of African leadership, driven by a growing middle class, rapid urbanization, and a demographic dividend.”

Verkooijen points to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as a prime example of this new era of leadership. The AfCFTA, which came into effect in 2020, is the largest free trade area in the world, covering 55 countries and a population of over 1.3 billion people. “This is a game-changer for Africa,” Verkooijen says. “It’s a bold statement of intent from African leaders to take control of their own economic destiny.”

The Rise of Silicon Savannah

Africa is also becoming a hub of technological innovation, with cities like Nairobi, Lagos, and Accra emerging as major tech hubs. Verkooijen refers to this phenomenon as the rise of “Silicon Savannah.” “Just as Silicon Valley was the epicenter of the digital revolution in the 1990s, Africa is now becoming the hub of innovation for the climate-resilient economy of the future,” he says.

From mobile payments to renewable energy, African startups are developing solutions that are tailored to the continent’s unique challenges. Verkooijen cites the example of M-KOPA, a Kenyan startup that provides affordable solar energy to off-grid communities. “This is not just about providing energy access; it’s about creating a new economic model that’s sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient,” he says.

Climate Resilience as a Competitive Advantage

Verkooijen believes that Africa’s climate vulnerability can also be a competitive advantage. “Africa is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, from droughts to floods,” he says. “But this also means that African countries are at the forefront of developing climate-resilient solutions.”

Verkooijen points to the example of Rwanda, which has made significant investments in climate-resilient infrastructure, including green buildings and sustainable agriculture. “Rwanda is not just building climate resilience; it’s building a competitive advantage,” he says. “It’s creating a business environment that’s attractive to investors, entrepreneurs, and tourists alike.”

A New Era of Global Cooperation

As Africa rises, Verkooijen believes that the continent will play a critical role in shaping the global response to climate change. “Africa is not just a recipient of climate aid; it’s a key player in the global climate negotiations,” he says. “We need to recognize that climate change is a global problem that requires a global response, and Africa is at the forefront of that response.”

Verkooijen calls for a new era of global cooperation, where developed and developing countries work together to address the challenges of climate change. “This is not just about aid or assistance; it’s about partnership and collaboration,” he says. “We need to recognize that we’re all in this together, and that Africa’s success is critical to the success of the global community.”


As the world looks to the future, it’s clear that Africa is rising. And according to Patrick Verkooijen, this is Africa’s century. With its growing middle class, rapid urbanization, and demographic dividend, Africa is poised to become a hub of innovation, growth, and climate resilience.

As Verkooijen says, “Africa is not just a continent of challenges; it’s a continent of opportunities. And it’s time for the world to recognize that Africa is leading the way in shaping a more sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient future for all.”


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