Media Briefing: Publishers Pitch Women’s Sports As Advertiser Interest Grows


The sports media landscape is undergoing a significant shift, with women’s sports emerging as a lucrative opportunity for publishers and advertisers alike. As interest in women’s sports continues to grow, publishers are seizing the moment to pitch their offerings to brands eager to tap into this underserved market.

A Growing Audience

The numbers are undeniable: women’s sports are attracting a larger and more engaged audience than ever before. The 2019 Women’s World Cup, for example, drew a global audience of over 1 billion people, with the final match between the US and the Netherlands reaching 14.3 million viewers in the US alone. The WNBA has also seen a significant surge in popularity, with viewership up 25% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

Advertiser Interest

As the audience for women’s sports grows, so too does advertiser interest. Brands are recognizing the value of associating themselves with women’s sports, which are often seen as more family-friendly and inclusive than their male counterparts. According to a recent survey, 71% of brands believe that sponsoring women’s sports can help them reach a more diverse audience, while 64% see it as an opportunity to improve their brand reputation.

Publishers Respond

Publishers are responding to this growing interest by launching new initiatives and platforms dedicated to women’s sports. ESPN, for example, has launched a dedicated women’s sports section on its website, featuring in-depth coverage of women’s sports news, analysis, and commentary. The Athletic, a subscription-based sports media company, has also expanded its coverage of women’s sports, hiring a team of experienced journalists to cover the WNBA, women’s college basketball, and other women’s sports.

New Revenue Streams

The growing interest in women’s sports is also creating new revenue streams for publishers. Sponsorship and advertising revenue are on the rise, as brands seek to associate themselves with women’s sports. According to a recent report, sponsorship revenue for women’s sports is expected to grow by 15% annually over the next five years, reaching $1.3 billion by 2025.

Challenges Remain

Despite the growing interest and investment in women’s sports, challenges remain. Women’s sports still receive significantly less coverage than men’s sports, and the pay gap between male and female athletes remains a contentious issue. Publishers must also navigate the complex issue of how to balance coverage of women’s sports with the need to attract a broader audience.


The growing interest in women’s sports presents a significant opportunity for publishers and advertisers alike. As the audience for women’s sports continues to grow, publishers are responding with new initiatives and platforms dedicated to covering women’s sports. While challenges remain, the potential for growth and revenue is undeniable. As one industry insider noted, “Women’s sports are no longer a niche interest – they’re a mainstream phenomenon, and publishers and advertisers are taking notice.”


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