Why Not The Stretch Pitch?


The stretch pitch in baseball is a technique pitchers use primarily with runners on base, especially in scoring positions. Unlike the windup, where the pitcher has a more elaborate motion, the stretch is faster and more straightforward. But why not always use the stretch pitch? Here’s a look at the pros and cons.

 Pros of the Stretch Pitch:

1. Quick Delivery: The primary advantage is speed. By streamlining the pitching motion, it allows the pitcher to quickly deliver to home plate, reducing the time base runners have to steal.

2. Improved Control: Many pitchers find they have better control when working from the stretch. The simpler mechanics can lead to more consistent and precise pitches.

3. Focus on Base Runners: It allows pitchers to keep an eye on runners and make pick-off attempts more effectively.

 Cons of the Stretch Pitch:

1. Reduced Power: The simplified motion can mean less momentum and therefore less velocity on pitches. For some pitchers, this drop in speed can make a noticeable difference.

2. Predictability: Batters may find it easier to pick up on pitches because of the reduced complexity in motion, which might make it easier for them to hit.

3. Comfort Level: Some pitchers may simply feel more comfortable and natural pitching from a windup rather than from a stretch.

 Strategic Use

Typically, pitchers will use both techniques depending on the situation. Early in innings or with no runners on base, many opt for the windup to maximize pitch effectiveness. In high-pressure situations with potential steals in play, they often switch to the stretch.

In conclusion, while the stretch pitch offers notable advantages in terms of speed and control, it’s not without its drawbacks. The choice between windup and stretch remains strategic, providing teams and pitchers with options that can be adjusted based on game context and individual preference.


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