20 Of The Funniest Tweets About Married Life (June 25 – July 1)


Marriage is a beautiful thing, but let’s be real, it can also be a never-ending source of entertainment. From the ridiculous to the relatable, married life has its own special brand of humor. Here are 20 of the funniest tweets about married life from June 25 to July 1:

The Early Stages

1. “Just realized that marriage is basically just agreeing to tolerate each other’s shittiness for the rest of our lives.” (@JennySlattery)
2. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right. There’s a difference. (Marriage 101)” (@HubbyDude)

The Power Dynamics

3. “I’ve come to realize that marriage is like a game of tug-of-war. Except instead of a rope, it’s a never-ending battle for control of the remote control.” (@SarahSnarky)
4. “I love how in marriage, we can suddenly become each other’s boss. ‘You’re grounding me, honey.'” (@HusbandGoals)

The Little Things

5. “Married life is taking a new level of importance in things. Like, I just spent an entire hour arguing with my husband over who ate the last sandwich.” (@LauraLols)
6. “I’m not sure who’s more annoying, my husband’s snoring or my own sighs of frustration at his snoring.” (@SnarkyWife)

The Daily Grind

7. “Marriage is like being in a never-ending battle against a tiny dictator. You know, the one who insists on leaving the cap off the toothpaste.” (@HusbandDad)
8. “I never realized how much I’d miss the freedom to leave my dirty socks on the floor until I got married.” (@SassySpouse)

The Memes

9. “Marriage is like being in a meme. ‘I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving energy… for marriage’.” (@MemeLord)
10. “When you realize that ‘Netflix and chill’ is just code for ‘let’s watch something we both agree on and then fight'” (@NetflixNChill)

The Throwbacks

11. “Just remembered that we used to think we were so in love before we got married. Now we’re just arguing over who ate the last donut.” (@HoneyDew)
12. “I think our marriage is a mix of love, respect, and ‘I’m too tired to care anymore’.” (@SweetNothing)

The Laughter

13. “Why did we get married? I’m still trying to figure that out.” (@Mrs. Moxie)
14. “Marriage is like a comedy show, except instead of actors, it’s just us two trying to not kill each other.” (@HusbandHumor)

The Realization

15. “I never knew I could love someone so much until I realized I was willing to tolerate their shenanigans for the rest of my life.” (@LoveAndTolerance)
16. “Marriage is like a game of Jenga. You’re constantly wondering which piece is going to be the one that makes it all come crashing down.” (@HusbandAndWife)

The Silver Linings

17. “Marriage is a never-ending adventure, except instead of discovering new lands, it’s just discovering new ways to drive each other crazy.” (@AdventurousCouple)
18. “I never knew I could be so proud of someone for making me breakfast in bed… until I married my husband.” (@Blessed)

The Endurance

19. “I’m not saying marriage is a rollercoaster, but it’s sure a lot of ups and downs… and by ‘ups’ I mean yelling, and by ‘downs’ I mean crying.” (@HusbandAndLife)
20. “I’m not sure what’s more impressive, our ability to love each other or our ability to drive each other insane.” (@MarriageGoals)

As you can see, marriage is a never-ending source of laughter, tears, and relationship goals. But seriously, we love you, honey!


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