Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over Apple’s ChatGPT integrations


In a surprising turn of events, tech magnate Elon Musk has threatened to ban the use of Apple devices across his companies, which include Tesla and SpaceX, if Apple continues to integrate ChatGPT into its products. Musk has been a vocal critic of artificial intelligence and appears particularly concerned about the implications of Apple’s deepening relationship with OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Musk’s apprehensions may stem from his long-standing warnings about the risks of uncontrolled AI, which he believes could pose existential threats to humanity. Integrating something as sophisticated as ChatGPT into consumer devices might elevate these concerns to new heights.

Apple, on the other hand, views the integration as a way to enhance user experience by providing more intuitive and responsive virtual assistants. This conflict embodies the broader debate on AI’s role in society—balancing innovation with caution.

The power struggle between two of Silicon Valley’s giants could have far-reaching implications. For now, the tech community watches closely, anticipating how this standoff will influence future AI advancements and corporate strategies.


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