‘I’ve Waited A Long Time For This’: Woman Earns Stanford Master’s Degree At 105


In a remarkable achievement that defies age and convention, a 105-year-old woman has earned a master’s degree from Stanford University, inspiring countless individuals with her determination and passion for learning.

Ruth Silverman, a resident of Palo Alto, California, received her Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Stanford’s Continuing Studies program, becoming one of the oldest individuals to earn a graduate degree from the prestigious institution.

Silverman’s journey to this milestone was not without its challenges. Born in 1917, she grew up during a time when women’s access to higher education was limited. Despite her desire to pursue a college education, she was unable to attend university due to financial constraints. Instead, she worked as a secretary and later raised a family.

However, Silverman’s thirst for knowledge never wavered. Throughout her life, she continued to read voraciously, taking advantage of online courses and attending lectures at Stanford whenever possible. Her love for learning eventually led her to enroll in the Continuing Studies program at Stanford, where she began working towards her master’s degree.

Over the course of several years, Silverman diligently completed her coursework, often attending classes alongside students decades younger than her. Her dedication and perseverance paid off, as she successfully defended her thesis and earned her degree.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” Silverman said in a statement, beaming with pride. “I’m thrilled to have achieved my goal, and I hope my story will inspire others to pursue their passions, no matter their age.”

Silverman’s remarkable achievement has sent shockwaves of inspiration throughout the academic community and beyond. Her story serves as a testament to the power of lifelong learning and the importance of pursuing one’s dreams, regardless of age or circumstance.

“Ruth’s accomplishment is a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your goals,” said Dr. Debra Satz, Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford. “Her dedication to learning and her passion for knowledge are an inspiration to us all.”

Silverman’s family and friends are equally thrilled by her achievement. “We’re all so proud of Ruth,” said her granddaughter, Sarah. “She’s always been a role model for us, and now she’s an inspiration to people all over the world.”

As Silverman celebrates her remarkable achievement, she is already looking to the future. She plans to continue taking classes and pursuing her love of learning, serving as a beacon of inspiration to individuals of all ages.

In a world where age is often seen as a barrier to achievement, Ruth Silverman’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Her remarkable achievement serves as a testament to the human spirit and the boundless potential that lies within us all.


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