We All Owe Alden Ehrenreich an Apology for ‘Solo’


When Disney and Lucasfilm announced that they would be making a solo film (pun intended) about the beloved character of Han Solo, fans were both excited and skeptical. Who could possibly fill the iconic boots of Harrison Ford, the actor who brought the character to life in the original trilogy? The answer, of course, was Alden Ehrenreich, a relatively unknown actor at the time. Unfortunately, Ehrenreich’s performance was met with a lukewarm response from critics and fans alike, and the film ultimately underperformed at the box office.

But in the years since the film’s release, it’s become clear that Ehrenreich was unfairly maligned for his portrayal of Han Solo. In fact, we all owe him an apology for the way he was treated.

A Difficult Task

Let’s be real: following in the footsteps of Harrison Ford is a daunting task. Ford’s performance as Han Solo is iconic, and it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the role. But Ehrenreich was not trying to replace Ford; he was trying to bring a new interpretation to the character, one that would honor the spirit of the original while still feeling fresh and exciting.

And yet, from the moment the film was announced, Ehrenreich was facing an uphill battle. Fans were skeptical, and the media was quick to pounce on any perceived misstep. The actor was constantly compared to Ford, with many declaring that he was “no Harrison Ford.” It was a unfair expectation, and one that Ehrenreich could never truly live up to.

A Solid Performance

Despite the odds against him, Ehrenreich delivered a solid performance as Han Solo. He brought a youthful energy to the role, and his chemistry with co-star Emilia Clarke (who played Qi’ra) was undeniable. He also managed to capture the essence of Han’s roguish charm, even if he didn’t quite have the same level of swagger as Ford.

But Ehrenreich’s performance was not without its flaws. At times, he seemed to be struggling to find his footing in the role, and some of his line deliveries felt a bit forced. However, these are minor quibbles, and overall, Ehrenreich did a commendable job of bringing Han Solo to life.

The Real Problem: The Script

So, if Ehrenreich’s performance was not the problem, what was? The answer lies in the script. Written by Jonathan Kasdan and Lawrence Kasdan, the screenplay for Solo was overly ambitious, trying to cram too much backstory into a single film. The pacing was uneven, and the plot twists were predictable and uninspired.

The script also failed to give Ehrenreich much to work with in terms of character development. Han Solo is a complex character, and the film did not do enough to explore his motivations and emotions. This was not Ehrenreich’s fault; he was working with the material he was given, and he did his best to make it work.

An Apology is Due

In the end, Alden Ehrenreich was unfairly scapegoated for the failures of Solo. He was a talented young actor who was given a difficult task, and he did his best to rise to the challenge. We owe him an apology for the way he was treated, and for the unfair expectations that were placed upon him.

Ehrenreich’s performance as Han Solo may not have been perfect, but it was not the disaster that many made it out to be. He deserves our respect and admiration for taking on a role that was always going to be a tough sell. So, let’s give him the apology he deserves, and acknowledge that he did a commendable job of bringing Han Solo to life.


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