What Taiwan is learning from the war in Ukraine


As the war in Ukraine rages on, Taiwan is watching with bated breath. The island nation, which has long been wary of China’s growing military might, is drawing valuable lessons from the conflict. Taiwan’s government and military strategists are closely monitoring the situation, analyzing the tactics and strategies employed by both Russia and Ukraine, and adapting their own defense plans accordingly.

Deterrence through Asymmetry

One key takeaway for Taiwan is the importance of asymmetric warfare. Ukraine, despite being outgunned and outmanned by Russia, has managed to inflict significant damage on the Russian military through the use of unconventional tactics, such as drone attacks and guerrilla warfare. Taiwan, which faces a similar power imbalance with China, is taking note of these strategies.

Taiwan’s military is investing heavily in developing its own asymmetric capabilities, including the deployment of mobile missile systems, cyber warfare units, and special operations forces. These assets are designed to counter China’s superior numbers and firepower, and to create uncertainty and unpredictability in the event of a conflict.

Civilian Resistance and Mobilization

The war in Ukraine has also highlighted the crucial role of civilian resistance and mobilization in defending against an invading force. Ukraine’s civilian population has played a significant role in supporting the military effort, from providing logistical support to engaging in direct combat.

Taiwan is recognizing the importance of building a similar culture of resistance and mobilization. The government is investing in programs aimed at increasing public awareness and preparedness, including civil defense drills, emergency response training, and community-based defense initiatives. By empowering its citizens to take an active role in defense, Taiwan hopes to create a more resilient and responsive society.

Information Warfare and Disinformation

The Ukraine conflict has also underscored the significance of information warfare and disinformation in modern conflict. Russia’s use of propaganda, fake news, and cyber attacks has been a key component of its strategy, aimed at sowing confusion and undermining Ukraine’s morale.

Taiwan, which has long been a target of Chinese disinformation campaigns, is taking steps to counter these tactics. The government is investing in programs aimed at promoting media literacy, countering disinformation, and developing its own information warfare capabilities. By being better prepared to counter Chinese propaganda and disinformation, Taiwan hopes to maintain the initiative in the information domain.

International Cooperation and Diplomacy

Finally, the war in Ukraine has highlighted the importance of international cooperation and diplomacy in preventing and responding to conflict. Taiwan, which has long been excluded from international organizations and forums, is recognizing the need to strengthen its diplomatic ties and build alliances with like-minded countries.

Taiwan’s government is actively engaging with its diplomatic partners, including the United States, Japan, and European nations, to build a coalition of support and to develop joint strategies for countering Chinese aggression. By strengthening its international relationships, Taiwan hopes to create a more stable and secure environment in the Asia-Pacific region.


The war in Ukraine is a stark reminder of the importance of preparedness and adaptability in the face of uncertainty. Taiwan, which faces its own unique set of challenges and threats, is drawing valuable lessons from the conflict. By investing in asymmetric warfare, civilian resistance and mobilization, information warfare, and international cooperation, Taiwan is building a more resilient and responsive defense strategy. As the situation in Ukraine continues to evolve, Taiwan will remain vigilant, adapting and learning from the conflict to ensure its own security and sovereignty.


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