Why Men Are ‘Rawdogging’ Flights


If you’ve flown recently, you may have noticed a peculiar phenomenon: men forgoing deodorant on flights. This trend, dubbed “rawdogging” by some, has left many passengers scratching their heads and holding their noses. But what’s behind this bizarre behavior, and why are men opting out of personal hygiene at 30,000 feet?

The Origins of “Rawdogging”

The term “rawdogging” originated on social media, where users began sharing their horror stories of sitting next to passengers who seemed to be intentionally skipping deodorant. The hashtag rawdogging quickly gained traction, with people sharing their own experiences and theories about why men were abandoning their antiperspirant.

Theories Abound

So, why are men “rawdogging” flights? There are several theories, ranging from the practical to the absurd. Some believe that the stress of flying, combined with the cramped quarters and recycled air, leads men to forget or forgo their morning routine. Others think that the anonymity of air travel emboldens them to ditch their deodorant, knowing they’ll never see their seatmates again.

Another theory suggests that the rise of “rawdogging” is a form of rebellion against societal norms. In an era where self-care and personal grooming are increasingly emphasized, some men may be pushing back against these expectations by intentionally neglecting their hygiene.

The Consequences

Whatever the reason, the consequences of “rawdogging” are undeniable. For those sitting nearby, the experience can be unbearable. The pungent aroma of body odor can linger long after the flight has landed, leaving a lasting impression on fellow passengers.

Moreover, “rawdogging” raises concerns about air quality and public health. With the confined space of an airplane cabin, the risk of germ transmission increases exponentially. When passengers neglect their personal hygiene, they put themselves and others at risk of illness.

A Call to Action

While “rawdogging” may seem like a harmless prank, its impact on fellow travelers cannot be ignored. As air travel continues to increase, it’s essential that we prioritize respect for our fellow passengers and the shared space of the airplane cabin.

To the men who are “rawdogging” flights, we implore you: please, for the sake of those around you, take a few minutes to apply some deodorant before boarding. It’s a small act of kindness that can make a significant difference in the comfort and well-being of your fellow travelers.

And to airlines, we suggest considering the installation of deodorant dispensers in airport bathrooms or providing complimentary deodorant wipes on flights. It’s a small investment that could pay big dividends in passenger satisfaction and overall air travel experience.


The phenomenon of “rawdogging” flights is a baffling trend that has left many of us scratching our heads. While the reasons behind it may be complex, the solution is simple: respect for our fellow passengers and a commitment to basic personal hygiene. As we take to the skies, let’s remember that a little consideration can go a long way in making air travel a more enjoyable experience for everyone.


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