‘You Are The Target’: What It’s Like To Fact-Check A War


As the world grapples with the devastating consequences of conflict, a new breed of heroes has emerged on the frontlines of war: fact-checkers. These brave individuals risk life and limb to separate fact from fiction, truth from propaganda, in the midst of chaos and destruction. But what is it like to fact-check a war, where the stakes are higher than ever and the truth is often the first casualty?

For fact-checkers, the war zone is a treacherous landscape of misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. In the fog of war, it’s easy to get lost in the noise of conflicting reports, biased sources, and deliberate deception. Yet, these dedicated professionals press on, driven by a fierce commitment to uncovering the truth, no matter the cost.

A dangerous game of cat and mouse

Fact-checkers in war zones often find themselves in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with propagandists, trolls, and even enemy forces. In Ukraine, for example, fact-checkers have been targeted by Russian-backed hackers, who seek to disrupt their work and discredit their findings. In Syria, fact-checkers have been detained, tortured, and even killed for their efforts to expose the truth about the conflict.

“You are the target,” says Maria, a fact-checker who has worked in several conflict zones. “You’re not just a journalist; you’re a threat to the people who want to control the narrative. They will stop at nothing to silence you.”

The psychological toll

Fact-checking a war takes a heavy psychological toll on those who dare to venture into the fray. The constant exposure to graphic violence, the weight of responsibility for getting the story right, and the pressure to stay one step ahead of propagandists can be overwhelming.

“I’ve seen things that no human should ever have to see,” says John, a veteran fact-checker who has worked in Iraq and Afghanistan. “The images, the sounds, the smells – they stay with you long after you’ve left the war zone. And the guilt, oh the guilt, when you make a mistake or can’t verify a story in time. It’s a heavy burden to carry.”

The importance of accuracy

Despite the risks and challenges, fact-checkers in war zones remain steadfast in their pursuit of accuracy. They know that in the midst of chaos, the truth is often the only thing that can bring hope, comfort, and justice to those affected by the conflict.

“Accuracy is everything in a war zone,” says Sarah, a fact-checker who has worked in Libya and Yemen. “One mistake, one misstep, and you can perpetuate a cycle of violence, fuel hatred, or even cost lives. We have a responsibility to get it right, no matter what.”

The unsung heroes of war

Fact-checkers in war zones are the unsung heroes of our time. They toil behind the scenes, often without recognition or reward, to bring us the truth about the conflicts that shape our world. They are the guardians of accuracy, the defenders of truth, and the beacons of hope in the darkest of times.

As we reflect on the importance of fact-checking in war zones, let us not forget the bravery, dedication, and sacrifice of these remarkable individuals. They are the ones who risk everything to bring us the truth, no matter the cost. They are the ones who remind us that, even in the midst of war, the truth is always worth fighting for.


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