Ephesians 6:1-4 :: “Reflecting Jesus in Family” – Sunday Worship Service 6.30.24


As we gather for our Sunday worship service on June 30, 2024, we turn our attention to a vital aspect of our Christian walk: our relationships within the family unit. In Ephesians 6:1-4, the apostle Paul provides guidance on how to reflect Jesus in our family dynamics, offering a powerful blueprint for building strong, Christ-centered relationships.

Honoring Our Parents

The passage begins with a call to children to “obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). This command may seem straightforward, but it’s essential to understand the context in which Paul is writing. In ancient Greek and Roman societies, children were often seen as mere extensions of their parents, with little autonomy or individuality. Paul’s instruction, therefore, is not only a call to obedience but also a recognition of the inherent value and dignity of children as individuals created in God’s image.

Moreover, Paul qualifies his instruction by adding “in the Lord.” This phrase is crucial, as it indicates that our obedience to our parents is not blind or unconditional. Rather, it is rooted in our submission to Christ and our desire to honor Him in our relationships. This means that when our parents’ instructions conflict with God’s Word or our conscience, we must prioritize our allegiance to Jesus.

Parental Guidance

In Ephesians 6:2-3, Paul turns his attention to parents, urging them to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” This verse is often misunderstood as a call to harsh discipline or rigid control. However, the Greek word “paideia” (discipline) connotes a sense of nurturing, guidance, and training. Paul is encouraging parents to create an environment where their children can grow and flourish, receiving guidance and correction that is rooted in the love and wisdom of God.

The Promise of Blessing

The passage concludes with a promise: “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land” (Ephesians 6:3). This blessing is not limited to physical longevity or material prosperity but encompasses the fullness of life that comes from living in harmony with God’s design. When we prioritize our relationships with our family members, seeking to reflect Jesus in our interactions, we can expect to experience a deeper sense of joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Reflection and Application

As we reflect on Ephesians 6:1-4, we are reminded that our family relationships are not merely a reflection of our human nature but an opportunity to reflect the character of Jesus. We are called to:

 Honor our parents, not out of obligation or fear, but out of a desire to please God and demonstrate our love for them.
 Provide guidance and nurturing to our children, recognizing that they are precious gifts from God and entrusted to our care.
 Prioritize our relationships with our family members, recognizing that these bonds are a vital part of our Christian walk.

As we apply these principles to our daily lives, we can expect to experience a transformation in our family dynamics. We will become more patient, more loving, and more forgiving, reflecting the very character of Jesus in our relationships.


In Ephesians 6:1-4, we find a powerful reminder that our family relationships are not just a natural part of life but a sacred opportunity to reflect Jesus to the world. As we gather for our Sunday worship service, let us commit to prioritizing our relationships with our family members, seeking to honor God and reflect His love in all that we do. May our families become a beacon of hope and light in a world that desperately needs to see the love of Jesus in action.


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