Watch Patti Smith Read from Virginia Woolf, and Hear the Only Surviving Recording of Woolf’s Voice


In a mesmerizing convergence of art and literature, punk rock icon Patti Smith recently paid tribute to the legendary author Virginia Woolf by reading from her works. This unique event not only celebrated the enduring legacy of Woolf’s writing but also provided a rare opportunity to hear the only surviving recording of Woolf’s voice.

The event, which took place at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), brought together two creative forces from different eras and genres. Patti Smith, known for her groundbreaking music and poetry, has long been an admirer of Woolf’s innovative and influential writing style. By reading from Woolf’s works, Smith aimed to honor the author’s contribution to modern literature and highlight the timelessness of her themes and ideas.

The reading featured Smith reciting passages from Woolf’s iconic novel “Mrs. Dalloway,” which explores the human experience of time, identity, and consciousness. Smith’s distinctive voice and poetic delivery brought new life to Woolf’s words, underscoring the novel’s continued relevance in contemporary society.

However, the most remarkable aspect of the event was the inclusion of the only surviving recording of Virginia Woolf’s voice. Recorded in 1937, the audio clip captures Woolf reading from her essay “Craftsmanship” at the BBC. The rare recording, which has been preserved by the British Library, offers a unique glimpse into Woolf’s speaking voice and delivery style.

Listening to Woolf’s voice, it is striking how her words seem to dance with a musical quality, echoing the lyrical prose that has become a hallmark of her writing. The recording is a poignant reminder of the author’s presence and personality, which continue to captivate readers and inspire writers to this day.

The intersection of Patti Smith and Virginia Woolf’s work serves as a powerful testament to the enduring power of art and literature. Both women have pushed boundaries and challenged conventions in their respective fields, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape.

Smith’s reading from Woolf’s works not only celebrates the author’s legacy but also highlights the continued relevance of her themes and ideas. In an era marked by rapid change and uncertainty, Woolf’s exploration of the human experience remains as vital and thought-provoking as ever.

The event also underscores the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, including rare recordings like Woolf’s voice. By making these historical artifacts accessible, we can gain a deeper understanding of the creative process and the individuals who have shaped our artistic and literary landscape.

In the end, the convergence of Patti Smith and Virginia Woolf’s work serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of art and literature. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, the timeless themes and ideas explored by Woolf and Smith offer a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding us of the boundless potential of the human spirit.


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